SHKP Quarterly

The Group has been widely recognized for its contribution to society with its expertise and resources. This year, the Group was named a Caring Company by the Hong Kong Council of Social Service for the 18th straight year. Its 85 business entities also earned the same honour. Among these business entities, 51 have earned the title for 10 or even 15 consecutive years, including shopping malls, property management, construction, hotels and more. Since the beginning of the COVID-19 outbreak, the Group has demonstrated its corporate social responsibility by caring for the community and the underprivileged. Rent subsidies were offered to subdivided unit households to alleviate their financial burden. In addition, about 320,000 surgical masks were donated to the Hospital Authority and various NGOs. To support tenants affected by the pandemic in SHKP malls, they were offered several months of rental concessions. A series of anti-coronavirus measures were implemented across SHKP malls and office buildings to help fight the virus together with the community. 集團善用專長及資源,積極履行社會責任,屢獲各界表揚。今年,集團連續第 18 年 獲得香港社會服務聯會頒發「商界展關懷」榮譽標誌,旗下同獲表揚的業務單位合 共達 85 個。當中,有 51 個業務單位屬連續第 10 年甚至第 15 年獲此標誌,遍及商場、 物業管理、建築及酒店等不同範疇。 自 2019 冠狀病毒病疫情爆發以來,集團充分展現多年來持續關愛社會及扶助弱勢的 企業精神,除為劏房住戶提供租金資助以紓緩他們的經濟壓力,亦向醫院管理局及 多家社福機構捐贈共約 320,000 個醫療口罩。另外,為協助旗下商場受疫情影響的 商戶,集團為商戶提供一連數月的租金減免;集團商場及寫字樓物業亦推出多項防 疫措施,冀望與社會各界一同抗疫。 The Group is named a Caring Company for the 18th consecutive year 集團連續第 18 年獲「商界展關懷」嘉許 The Government of the HKSAR Financial Secretary Paul Chan (fourth left), Group Executive Director Eric Tung (fourth right) and other corporate representatives accept gratitude from the HKCSS at the Caring Company Scheme Award Presentation 2019/20 cum Anti-epidemic Campaign Reception 在「商界展關懷」計劃 2019/20 嘉許暨跨界抗疫社區 復元感謝儀式上,香港特區政府財政司司長陳茂波 (左四)、集團執行董事董子豪(右四)及一眾企業代 表接受社聯的謝意 The Group is commit ted to building premium developments and providing superb service offerings, while fulfilling its corporate social responsibility commitments, resulting in a trusted brand name among consumers. At the 2020 Reader’s Digest Trusted Brand Awards, the Group and its business units continued to receive a consumer vote of confidence, taking home two platinum and three gold awards. Sun Hung Kai Properties continued to be voted the most trusted property developer in Hong Kong by consumers, taking the top Platinum Trusted Brand Award for the 15th consecutive year. In addition, APM took a gold award in the shopping mall category for the sixth straight year, and Hong Yip and Kai Shing each earned a gold award in the property management category for the ninth consecutive year. Wilson Parking was presented with a platinum award in the car park category for the eighth year running. The Group wins the Platinum Trusted Brand Award for the 15th straight year 集團連續 15 年榮獲「信譽品牌白金獎」 The Group, along with APM, Hong Yip, Kai Shing and Wilson Parking, receive two platinum and three gold awards at the Reader’s Digest Trusted Brand Awards 集團連同旗下 APM 、康業、啟勝及威信停車場在 《讀者文摘》信譽品牌調查中囊括兩個白金獎及三 個金獎 集團致力發展優質物業,為客戶帶來 卓越服務,同時積極履行企業社會 責任,優質品牌深受信賴。在 2020 《讀者文摘》信譽品牌調查中,集團 連同旗下業務單位繼續獲得消費者投 下信心一票,合共獲得兩個白金獎及 三個金獎。 新鴻基地產繼續獲消費者投選為香港 地產發展商界別中最具信譽的優質 品牌,連續 15 年榮獲「信譽品牌白 金獎」最高殊榮。另外,集團旗下 APM 於商場界別連續第六年獲頒金 獎,康業及啟勝雙雙連續九年獲頒物 業管理界別金獎,而威信停車場則 在停車場界別連續第八年勇奪白金 獎。 News in Brief Vol 97 • Q3 2020 • SHKP Quarterly 31