SHKP Quarterly

The SHKP-Kwoks' Foundation has set up and sponsored scholarships at various universities to support promising students from underprivileged families to pursue tertiary studies. In past semesters, Foundation representatives met the students on their campus to learn more about their studies and life. Because of the outbreak of the novel coronavirus this year, the Foundation revised the scholarship assessment mode, switching to online meetings. Early this year, the Foundation and representatives from 13 universities held online interviews with students to ensure that the scholarships will be distributed to the recipients on schedule. The students eagerly shared their ideas and reported their learning progress in the online meetings. The Foundation's Executive Director Amy Kwok said she was very pleased to find that the sponsored students remain enthusiastic about learning and passionate about life even amid the pandemic. In addition, two of the Foundation’s scholarship recipients at Tianjin University, namely Guan Shiwei, from the School of Civil Engineering, and Cui Bohan, from the School of Mathematics, received the university’s highest honour – the Top 10 Star of Self-Improvement award. The Foundation's Executive Director Amy Kwok gave her congratulations to the students and expressed her appreciation for their pursuit of continuous improvement and care for others. SHKP-Kwoks' Foundation implements scholarship programmes on schedule despite the pandemic 新地郭氏基金在疫情下如期推行各獎助學金計劃 The SHKP-Kwoks' Foundation and representatives from the universities assessed scholarship students through online meetings during the pandemic 在疫情下,新地郭氏基金連同大學代表與學生透過 網上面試進行獎助學金評選 The Group offers a summer internship programme every year to provide undergraduates with practical work and training exposure, thus nurturing the younger generation. Despite the COVID-19 outbreak, the summer internship programme continued this year as usual, but with interviews, training and sharing presentations held via online meetings instead of face to face. Seventeen undergraduates were admitted to the programme this year. The interns were attached to different departments or business units, such as corporate communications, data analytics, leasing, marketing and non-property portfolio businesses. Under the coaching of supervisors, they worked on regular assignments and projects to gain hands- on experience. A live webinar workshop was arranged to enhance their interpersonal communication skills. The interns also shared their working experience and innovative proposals with each other to learn collectively. The eight-week internship programme provided them with valuable work experience and helped them identify their strengths and potential to assist them be well-prepared for future career development. SHKP Summer Internship Programme concludes successfully amid the pandemic 新地暑期實習計劃在疫情下順利完成 The interns visit ICC and the Sky100 Hong Kong Observation Deck to learn more about the Group’s core businesses and departmental operations 實習生參觀 ICC 及天際 100 香港觀景台,了解集團的主要業務及部門運作 集團每年均舉辦暑期實習計劃,為大學生提供實際工作及完善培訓,協助培育年青一代。縱使新型冠狀病毒病疫情爆發,今年的 暑期實習計劃如期舉辦,而面試、培訓以至分享活動則改以網上會議形式舉行。 今年共有 17 名大學生獲選參與計劃,各人獲調配到不同部門或業務單位工作,包括公司傳訊、數據分析、租務、市場推廣及非地 產業務。在主管的指導下,他們參與部門的日常工作及項目,吸取實際工作經驗,並且透過網上會議形式參與工作坊,提升溝通 技巧。各人亦交流工作心得,發揮創意,提出創新方案,互相學習。經過八個星期的體驗,實習生不但獲取了寶貴的工作經驗, 亦加深了解自己的長處及潛能,為未來的事業發展作好準備。 新地郭氏基金多年來與不同院校合作,設立和資助大學生獎助學金計劃,協助優秀但家境貧困的學生升讀大學。以往每個學期均派員到不同 院校約見學生,了解他們的學習進度和生活狀況。鑑於今年新型冠狀病毒疫情爆發,基金遂更改獎助學金的評選形式,改為以網上會議形式 見面。今年初,基金與 13 間大學代表透過網上會議跟學生面試,使獎助學金得以如期發放予受助學生。學生在網上會議上,以簡報作交流及 滙報,積極展示在學校的所學所聞。基金執行董事郭婉儀得悉受助同學在疫情下仍然努力求學、熱愛生活,亦感到非常欣慰。 另外,天津大學新鴻基地產郭氏基金勵學金受助學生 ── 建工學院關世偉和數學學院崔博涵,最近榮獲大學最高榮譽的「十大自強之星」。 基金執行董事郭婉儀向兩位同學送上祝賀及嘉許,更欣賞他們傳遞自強不息和關愛別人的精神。 Sustainability Vol 97 • Q3 2020 • SHKP Quarterly 30