SHKP Quarterly

The Group’s property management teams make great efforts to save energy with recognition received over the years. Hong Yip, Aria and APM rose above over 7,000 contenders to win CLP GREEN PLUS Awards. Aria got a Smart Business Energy Saving Award and gold in the Property Management – Residential sector. APM took a silver in Property Management – Industrial & Commercial while Hong Yip won a Joint Energy Saving Award. Aria brought smart energy management to its estate and clubhouse’s gym operations, particularly in lighting system, air conditioning and ventilation system, along with high- consumption functions. Lights in stairs and car parks now use LED tubes with built-in sensors. The green initiatives have reduced related power use over 60%. The estate uses the Meter Online service with Energy Saving Signal operations guidelines to adjust the air conditioning in the clubhouse and lobbies based on the outdoor temperature. Energy-saving information and tips are posted on the estate’s mobile app for residents and a green stamp recognition programme encourages residents to reduce waste. The SHKP-Kwoks’ Foundation helps develop talent by offering financial assistance to promising students with limited means to extend their studies. Recently, another donation agreement was signed by Foundation Executive Director Amy Kwok with Hunan University Deputy Party Secretary Yu Xiangcheng to support its students in the completion of their undergraduate studies. An exchange session for representatives of sponsoring universities has also been arranged to discuss the long-term management of the scholarships. The Foundation pledged to donate RMB2.5 million to Hunan University over the 2017-2019 academic years providing bursaries to help students in financial difficulty to complete their studies, with additional scholarships for those with top academic results, a total of 472 counts of beneficiaries. Between 2005 and 2016, the Foundation donated over RMB11 million for almost 1,990 scholarships to help underprivileged students complete undergraduate studies. Additionally, the Foundation organized an inter-university Exchange Session on Effective Long-Term Scholarship Management at Guizhou University, where representatives from eight sponsored universities discussed ways to manage scholarships effectively. SHKP-Kwoks’ Foundation assists young people in undergraduate studies 新地郭氏基金資助年輕人完成大學課程 More energy-saving recognition for property management teams 物業管理團隊再獲環保節能嘉許 SHKP-Kwoks’ Foundation Executive Director Amy Kwok (front, left) and Hunan University Deputy Party Secretary Yu Xiangcheng (front, right) with guests at the scholarship signing ceremony 新地郭氏基金執行董事郭婉儀(前排左)與湖南大學 黨委副書記于祥成(前排右)及嘉賓於獎助學金簽約 儀式上合照 SHKP-Kwoks’ Foundation representatives with the universities’ senior management and Guizhou University scholarship recipients after the exchange session 出席交流會的新地郭氏基金代表、各大學主管領導及 受助的貴州大學學生 新地郭氏基金致力培育人才,為 優秀的清貧學生提供經濟援助, 讓他們得以繼續升學。基金執行 董事郭婉儀早前與湖南大學黨委 副書記于祥成簽署捐贈協議, 協助學生修讀本科課程;並且安 排多間受資助的大學代表互相 交流,促進各資助項目的長遠管 理。 基金承諾於 2017-2019 學年,向 湖南大學捐贈人民幣 250 萬元,提 供助學金資助有經濟困難的學生 完成課程,基金更會挑選成績優 秀的受助學生額外頒發獎學金, 受助學生達 472 人次。此前,基金 在 2005 至 2016 年期間,已先後向 大學捐贈逾人民幣 1,100 萬元,協 助家境清貧的本科生完成大學課 程,受惠人數近 1,990 人次。 另外,基金早前在貴州大學舉辦 了跨校「獎助學金長效管理機制 交流會」,邀請八間受助大學的 代表出席,就獎助學金的效益管 理進行交流,並對相關項目進行 深入研究討論。 集團的物業管理團隊致力參與環保節能工 作,表現優秀,屢獲嘉許。康業、峻弦及 APM 在中電舉辦的「環保節能機構」嘉許計 劃中,在超過 7,000 份申請中勝出。峻弦獲 「智能營商節能大獎」及「物業管理 – 住 宅」金獎, APM 在「物業管理 – 工商業」組 別獲銀獎,康業則獲頒「齊心節能大獎」。 峻弦在屋苑及會所健身室引入智能管理系 統,應用於照明系統、空調及抽風系統等 用電量大的區域,並把樓梯及停車場的燈具 更換成內置感測器的 LED 燈,成功節省超過 60% 相關用電量。團隊亦採用「電錶在線」 服務,編訂「節能燈號」運作指引,因應室 外溫度調節會所及大堂的空調系統運作。屋 苑透過手機應用程式,向住戶發放節能資訊 及小貼士,實行「綠色印記獎勵計劃」,並 且鼓勵住戶從源頭減廢。 Aria won a Smart Business Energy Saving Award and gold in Property Management – Residential at the CLP GREEN PLUS Awards 峻弦在「環保節能機構」嘉許計劃中,榮獲「智能營 商節能大獎」及「物業管理 – 住宅」金獎 32 News in Brief Vol 86 • Q4 2017 • SHKP Quarterly