SHKP Quarterly

The Group leverages its resources and business inf luence as a responsible corporate citizen, and its various initiatives have been widely recognized. It was named a Caring Company for 15th year in a row by the Hong Kong Council of Social Service. The number of Group subsidiaries, shopping malls, office buildings, hotels or residential development s under management attaining the same honour rose to 87 this year. Of these, seven have had the designation for 15 straight years, and 61 have received the citation for five years or more. The growing numbers reflect concerted efforts across the Group to care for the underprivileged and build a better society. 集團善用資源及網絡,積極履行社會責任,屢獲各界表揚。今年,集團連續第 15 年獲香港社 會服務聯會頒發“商界展關懷”標誌,連同獲表揚的集團公司、商場、商廈、酒店及代管物 業項目,獲表揚的項目增加至 87 個。當中,更有七個項目同屬連續第 15 年獲表揚,另有 61 個 項目獲此標誌連續五年或以上,反映集團上下一心,不斷發揮關懷精神,扶助弱勢,推動社 區發展。 The Group named a Caring Company for 15th straight year 集團連續第 15 年獲“商界展關懷”嘉許 SHKP-Kwoks’ Foundation offers scholarships for Xi’an Jiaotong University students 新地郭氏基金資助學生升讀西安交通大學 Now 87 Caring Company business units within the Group 集團旗下獲頒“商界展關懷”標誌的項目增至 87 個 SHKP-Kwoks’ Foundation Executive Director Amy Kwok (left) and Xi’an Jiaotong University Party Committee Deputy Secretary Gong Hui (right) at the scholarship fund signing ceremony 新地郭氏基金執行董事郭婉儀(左)及西安交通大學黨委副 書記宮輝(右)在獎助學金捐贈協議書簽約儀式上合照 The SHKP-Kwoks’ Foundation has been cultivating talent by offering financial assistance to students with limited means to complete undergraduate studies since 2002. The Foundation helps mainland students in addition to locals, with scholarships at renowned mainland universities or subsidies for overseas study or exchange programmes to broaden horizons. The Foundation recently set up a fund with Xi’an Jiaotong University for promising but financially disadvantaged students, with the intent that they focus on study without financial distractions. About 150 scholarships will be granted. The Foundation will also connect the recipients in a community service group to help the needy. 新地郭氏基金致力培育人才,為優秀的清貧學生提供經濟資助,協助他們完成大 學本科課程。自 2002 年成立以來,除了資助本地學生外,也與多間內地 著 名學府 合作設立獎助學金,同時資助內地學生往外地深造及交流,增廣見聞。 基金此前與西安交通大學合作,設立獎助學金,資助家境貧困但品學兼優的學生 入讀該校,讓他們可以放下財政壓力,專心學習,名額約有 150 個。基金也計劃聯 繫受助學生設立同學會,鼓勵他們積極關懷社區,幫助其他有需要的人士,回饋 社會。 35