SHKP Quarterly

The Group’s property management teams make strong efforts on energy saving with recognitions received over the years. Most recently, Kai Shing, Mikiki and Valais beat some 6,000 competitors to win CLP GREEN PLUS Awards. Kai Shing has introduced energy saving measures with many major awards won under the programme. The latest was a 5th Anniversary Special Award – Sustainable Energy Saving. The company adopts green ideas in planning, design and daily operations, and supports green purchasing through an eco-friendly supply chain. The team is keen on trying new energy-saving measures such as modifying installations and machinery for greater efficiency. A top down green culture helps drive its achievements. Mikiki mall won a silver Energy Saving Inspector Award for green innovation initiated by its staff. The team noticed the hot and stuffy atmosphere in the car park and started to think of green ways to tackle it. They recycled condensate water from the mall’s air- conditioning system to provide cooling to the car park. Valais in Sheung Shui took silver in the Property Management – Residential sector with green operations and promoting energy saving to residents. The team installed solar panels on the clubhouse roof and flowerbeds to generate electricity with a battery system for lighting. It also encouraged residents to live green with activities like rooftop farming workshops, recycling food waste into fertilizer and giving residents free energy-saving lights. More praise for property management energy-saving efforts 物業管理團隊再獲環保節能嘉許 The Valais team with silver in the Property Management – Residential sector for adopting green ideas in operations and conveying green messages to residents 天巒團隊將環保理念應用於日常管理,並積極向 住戶推廣節能訊息,獲“物業管理-住宅”組別銀 獎 Innovation won Mikiki a silver Energy Saving Inspector Award Mikiki 團隊發揮環保創意,獲“節能星探 大獎”組別銀獎 集團的物業管理團隊致力參與環保節能工作,表現優秀,屢獲業界嘉許。不久 前,啓勝、 Mikiki 及天巒在中電舉辦的“環保節能機構”嘉許計劃中,在超過 6,000 份申請中勝出。 啓勝積極引入節能措施,多年來在該嘉許計劃中獲得多個大獎,現在更獲頒“五 週年特別大獎-持續節能大獎”。啓勝不但將環保理念應用於規劃、設計及日常 管理上,更重視綠色採購,鼓勵綠色供應鏈。團隊勇於嘗試創新節能措施,甚至 會改良硬件機組以提升能源效益,從上而下帶動公司的環保節能文化。 Mikiki 商場憑借員工主動提出節能建議,在“節能星探大獎”組別獲銀獎。團隊 留意到停車場溫度較高,令人感到悶熱,經多番研究後,發揮創意,透過收集商 場冷氣系統的冷凝水,再配合通風系統,自製成冷風裝置,在節能原則下,成功 為停車場降溫。 位於上水的天巒將環保理念應用於管理服務,積極向住戶推廣節能訊息,在“物 業管理-住宅”組別獲銀獎。團隊於會所天台及花圃安裝太陽能光伏板及儲電系 統來提供照明;亦鼓勵住戶投入綠色生活,舉辦天台自耕種植工作坊、廚余回收 再造肥料等各種活動,更免費為住戶更換節能照明系統。 The ICC Light and Music Show is running the latest episode: Imaginary Journey . The story on the facades of ICC features a little girl’s journey in the ocean and through the sky, offering viewers a delightful night of love. There will also be Christmas animations and New Year countdown in late December for locals and visitors to celebrate the festive season. The ICC Light and Music Show plays twice everyday at 7:45pm and 9:00pm. Spectators can view it from the P3 and P4 public terraces of IFC Mall in Central. They can also download its smartphone app to get the soundtrack while watching the show along the Victoria Harbour waterfront. ICC Light and Music Show presents Imaginary Journey “ ICC 聲光耀維港”上演夢幻之旅 “ ICC 聲光耀維港”現正上演最新一季燈光匯演: 夢幻之旅。在 ICC 幕牆上,觀眾可與故事中的小女 孩一起探索海洋世界,漫游天際,度過一個奇妙 且充滿愛的晚上。另外,“ ICC 聲光耀維港”將於 12 月下旬帶來聖誕燈光動畫及除夕倒數環節,與 市民及游客普天同慶,開心迎接佳節。 “ ICC 聲光耀維港”每晚演出兩場,分別於 7 時 45 分及 9 時正上演,游人可於中環國際金融中心商場 三樓及四樓公眾露天平台欣賞,亦可下載同名的 智能手機應用程序,於維港沿岸聲光同步觀賞。 33