SHKP Quarterly

SHKP-Kwoks’ Foundation supports Rural Doctors Training Programme 新地郭氏基金資助鄉村醫生培訓項目 Since its establishment in 2002, the SHKP-Kwoks’ Foundation has actively served the community and cared for the underprivileged. The Foundation recently donated RMB1.5 million to the Hong Kong Poverty Alleviation Association in support of the Rural Doctors Training Programme in Nanjiang county, which is in Bazhong city, Sichuan. Organized by the Nanjiang County Health Bureau, the programme offered five-term training to about 500 rural doctors in the county from 2018 to 2020 in a bid to enhance their capabilities, covering both theoretical knowledge and practicum. Following the recent completion of the training programme, those who passed the assessment are now officially engaged in local health and medical services, providing the villagers with more convenient and timely diagnoses and treatment. 新地郭氏基金自 2002 年成立 以來,積極回饋社會,關懷 弱勢社群。此前,捐款人民 幣 150 萬元予香港各界扶貧 促進會,資助四川省巴中市 南江縣鄉村醫生培訓項目。 項目由南江縣衛健局承辦, 於 2018 至 2020 年期間舉辦 五期培訓班,為全縣約 500 名鄉村醫生提供理論與實踐 兼備的培訓,以提高診療水 平 。 培 訓 項 目 近 日 圓 滿 結 束,經考核合格的醫生已正 式投入鄉村衛生醫療服務, 為村民帶來更快捷、及時的 診斷與治療。 The SHKP-Kwoks’ Foundation sponsors the Rural Doctors Training Programme in Nanjiang county, in Bazhong city, Sichuan, supporting healthcare services as part of its poverty relief initiatives for the country 新地郭氏基金資助四川省巴中市南江縣鄉村醫生培訓項目, 為國家的健康扶貧出一份力 Two new sites in Tuen Mun 集團在屯門新增兩幅用地 The Group has continued to top up its land bank in Hong Kong during the first half of the 2020/21 financial year. A residential site in So Kwun Wat, Tuen Mun was added through the conversion of agricultural land. Covering a gross floor area of about 57,000 square metres (614,000 square feet), this new site is earmarked for the development of a mass residential project which offers a wide range of flat types. The Group has a 75.2% stake in the development. In addition, the Group acquired an industrial site in Tuen Mun via a private deal during the period, of which the Group owns an effective interest of 69.9%. The Group plans to convert the site into office and retail uses with a gross floor area of about 71,700 square metres (772,000 square feet). As at 31 December 2020, the Group’s attributable land bank in Hong Kong amounted to 5.2 million square metres (56 million square feet), which included about 2.07 million square metres (22.3 million square feet) of properties under development that are sufficient to meet the Group’s development needs over the next five years. 於 2020/21 財政年度上半年,集團繼續補充在香港的土地儲備。集團通過農地 轉換新增一幅位於屯門掃管笏的住宅用地。新增地皮可建總樓面面積約 57,000 平方米( 614,000 平方呎),將發展為大型住宅項目,提供多種戶型。集團擁 有該項目 75 . 2% 的權益。期內,集團也通過私人協商購入一幅位於屯門的工 業用地,計劃更改為寫字樓及零售用途,改劃後可建樓面面積約 71,700 平方 米( 772,000 平方呎)。集團占有該項目的實際權益為 69.9% 。 截至 2020 年 12 月 31 日,按所占樓面面積計算,集團在香港的土地儲備為 520 萬 平方米( 5,600 萬平方呎),其中包括約 207 萬平方米( 2,230 萬平方呎)的發 展中物業,足夠集團未來五年的發展需要。 The new addition in So Kwun Wat, Tuen Mun will be developed into a mass residential project 新增的屯門掃管笏用地將發展為大型住宅項目 26 簡訊 Vol 99 • Q1 2021 • SHKP Quarterly