SHKP Quarterly

Since 2005, the SHKP-Kwoks’ Foundation has set up a scholarship programme to support talented local and mainland students to pursue undergraduate studies at The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK). The scholarship enables recipients to focus on studies and engage in campus life without financial worries. To date over 60 students have benefitted from this programme. CUHK former V ice - Chancellor and President Joseph Sung, Council Chairman Norman Leung and Pro-Vice-Chancellor/ Vice-President Fok Tai-fai visited the Foundation office with academic staff and scholarship recipients to share the latest updates on the programme with the Foundation Executive Director Amy Kwok and other representatives. During the sharing session, some beneficiaries mentioned that the scholarship support SHKP-Kwoks’ Foundation supports talented students to pursue studies at CUHK for 12th consecutive year 新地郭氏基金連續 12 年資助優才生升讀中大 SHKP-Kwoks’ Foundation Executive Director Amy Kwok (front, fifth left), Director Kwong Chun (front, fifth right), CUHK former Vice-Chancellor and President Joseph Sung (front, centre), CUHK Council Chairman Norman Leung (front, forth left) and Pro-Vice-Chancellor/Vice-President Fok Tai-fai (front, fourth right) with scholarship recipients and guests after the sharing session 新地郭氏基金執行董事郭婉儀(前排左五)、董事鄺準(前排右 五)、時任中大校長沈祖堯(前排中)、中大校董會主席梁乃鵬 (前排左四)及副校長霍泰輝(前排右四)與一眾受助學生及嘉賓 在交流分享會後合照 YATA Limited has been expanding its portfolio with new supermarket openings at the Sai Wan Hong Kong Plaza, Tseung Kwan O East Point City, and at Yuen Long YOHO MALL last year. The list continues to grow with the addition of a new outlet at Kwai Fong Metroplaza this past January, marking the 11th store in the YATA chain. The more than 15,000-square-foot YATA Supermarket (Kwai Fong) offers up a nature theme with stylishly rustic decorations. The store features quality Japanese-Western style gourmet items as well as a health and organic zone to create a Japan- meets-West style healthy supermarket. Over 60% of the stock is imported from Japan, with other premium products from around the world. A major highlight of the new store is the “Three Corners” area dedicated to a fine food grocery from southern France, a traditional English tea brand, and a health and organic zone offering low sodium, low sugar, gluten-free items and superfoods. There is also a “Japanese-Western style food zone” that features a ‘kushikatsu’ restaurant that is new to Hong Kong, and a healthy grab-and-go light food bar to attract customers. YATA Supermarket opens in Metroplaza, Kwai Fong 一田超市進駐葵芳新都會廣場 YATA CEO Susanna Wong (fourth right) with guests at the YATA Supermarket (Kwai Fong) opening ceremony 一田百貨行政總裁黃思麗(右四)連同嘉賓 主持一田超市(葵芳)的開幕典禮 一田有限公司近年積極擴充業務, 繼去年在西環香港商業中心、將軍 澳東港城及元朗 YOHO MALL 開設 超級市場後,剛於今年一月在葵芳 新都會廣場開設第 11 間分店。 一田超市(葵芳)面積逾 15,000 平 方呎,以型格自然風為設計風格, 簡約時尚。新店以高級和洋食材作 賣點,並設有健康主題專區,打造 成和洋風健康精品超市。店內逾六 成貨品由日本進口,亦有來自世界 各地的優質食材。新店特別設有 「三大超市 Corner 」,引入南法精 品雜貨店、英國百年茶舖和三低一 高有機潮食區;另外更設有「二大 和洋食事處」,帶來首度進駐香港 的日式串炸料理屋及清新洋風輕食 Bar ,為顧客送上美食驚喜。 greatly reduced their families’ financial burdens, giving them more time to study and take part in extra-curricular activities and volunteer work to serve the community. At the same time, several beneficiaries recalled the valuable overseas exchange experience and learning opportunities they received at CUHK. Some graduates secured their dream jobs while others are pursuing master’s degrees at CUHK. 新地郭氏基金於 2005 年設立「新地郭 氏基金 — 中大優才獎學金」,資助本 港及內地優才生升讀香港中文大學的學 士課程,讓受助學生能夠解決學費問 題,專注學業,融入大學生活,至今受 助學生逾 60 人。 早前,時任中大校長沈祖堯、中大校董 會主席梁乃鵬及副校長霍泰輝率領教職 員及受助學生到訪,與基金執行董事郭 婉儀及基金代表進行交流,分享獎學金項目的最新 情況。部分受助學生在會上表示,獎學金大大減輕 了家庭經濟負擔,讓他們可以專注學習之餘,亦可 以多參與課外活動及義務工作,服務社區,回饋社 會。受助學生表示,在中大學習期間,獲得不少海 外交流及學習機會,實屬成長中的寶貴經驗;部分 畢業學生現時已經獲得理想工作,部分則選擇留在 中大修讀碩士課程。 36 News in Brief Vol 87 • Q1 2018 • SHKP Quarterly