SHKP Quarterly

The SHKP-Kwoks’ Foundation helps develop talent by offering financial assistance to promising students with limited means to extend study. It recently sent a delegation to visit high school students in one of the mainland’s poor areas to encourage them to work hard. Meanwhile, a delegation from Southwest University visited the Foundation office on a courtesy call. The Foundation set up a fund at Southwest University in 2007 to support bright students with limited financial means to complete their four-year degrees. About 1,500 grants have been conferred to date and some recipients have embarked on careers since graduation. A delegation led by the university President visited the Foundation Executive Director Amy Kwok to express their heartfelt thanks for the support over the years. The Foundation also extended assistance to high school students in the mainland’s poor western region. Group Independent Non-Executive Director Norman Leung and Foundation representatives visited Lintao Middle School scholarship recipients in Dingxi, Gansu and encouraged them to work hard for the college entrance exams. The delegation also visited rural families in Lintao and Ningyuan where the Foundation sponsored a project to pipe in water. The project helps 10 farming villages in the area, bringing clean drinking water to over 1,000 families. The Group’s property management subsidiaries Hong Yip and Kai Shing won an impressive 16 awards in the Energy Saving Championship run by the Environment Bureau and Electrical and Mechanical Services Department. Aria, ICC and Landmark North seized the top Hanson Grand Awards in the residential, office and shopping mall categories. Other winners included Imperial Cullinan, Valais, Lime Stardom, Sun Tuen Mun Centre; Grand Central Plaza; New Town Plaza III, Metroplaza and Metropolis Plaza. Hong Yip and Kai Shing also took Hanson Supportive Group Awards for residential estates, offices and shopping malls, showing the judges’ appreciation of their energy saving efforts. SHKP-Kwoks’ Foundation helps disadvantaged youth in higher studies 新地郭氏基金助清貧少年升學 Hong Yip and Kai Shing receive more recognition for saving energy 康業及啟勝環保節能表現出色 再獲殊榮 SHKP-Kwoks’ Foundation Executive Director Amy Kwok (centre) with Southwest University President Zhang Weiguo (fourth right) 新地郭氏基金執行董事郭婉儀(中)與西南大學校長 張衛國(右四)合照留念 Sixteen Energy Saving Championship awards for Hong Yip and Kai Shing 康業及啟勝在“慳神大比拼”中勇 奪 16 個獎項 Group Independent Non-Executive Director Norman Leung (front, centre) and SHKP-Kwoks’ Foundation representatives with scholarship recipients at Lintao Middle School 集團獨立非執行董事梁乃鵬(前排中)及新地郭氏基金代 表到訪臨洮中學與受助學生會面 新地郭氏基金致力培育人才,為 優秀的清貧學生提供經濟援助, 讓他們得以繼續升學。此前,基 金代表團到訪內地貧困地區的高 中生,勉勵他們努力學習;而西 南大學的代表團亦到訪基金,表 達謝意。 基金自 2007 年起,於西南大學設 立“新鴻基地產郭氏基金西南大 學助學金”,讓品學兼優但家境 清貧的學生可以專心學習,完成 四年大學本科教育。受助學生至 今約 1,500 人次,部分畢業同學已 考獲理想工作,回饋社會。不久 前,大學校長率領代表團來港, 與基金執行董事郭婉儀見面,感 謝基金多年來的支持。 基金亦資助國內西部貧困地區高 中生的學習。集團獨立非執行董 事梁乃鵬連同基金代表到訪甘肅 省定西市,與臨洮中學獎助學金 的受助學生見面,勉勵他們專心 準備高考。一行人亦探訪臨洮縣 及寧遠鎮,獲基金援建飲用水入 戶工程的受惠家庭。有關工程 已先後為當地 1 0 個農村,超過 1,000 戶家庭帶來清潔的飲用水。 集團旗下物業管理公司康業及啓勝,在環境局 及機電工程署舉辦的“慳神大比拼”中,合共 獲得 16 個獎項。峻弦、環球貿易廣場及上水 廣場分別在住宅、辦公室大樓及商場組別中獲 取最高殊榮的“至尊慳神大獎”。 其他得獎項目包括瓏璽、天巒、形品‧星寓、 新屯門中心;新城市中央廣場;新城市廣場三 期、新都會廣場及新都廣場。另外,康業及啓 勝在住宅、辦公室大樓及商場組別更獲頒“踴 躍支持團體慳神獎”,足證集團旗下物業在節 約能源方面表現優異,深得評審團認同。 30 簡訊 Vol 85 • Q3 2017 • SHKP Quarterly