SHKP Quarterly

The Group believes that employees are the major force driving business development. It enhances manpower through training to upgrade staff competency and encourages continuous learning. The Group and its Hong Yip property management subsidiary recently received the top Grand Prize Awards in the ERB Manpower Developer Award Scheme. Organized by the Employees Retraining Board (ERB), the ERB Manpower Developer Award Scheme reviews and evaluates the effectiveness of strategies and practices in manpower training and development in organizations with an accreditation mechanism, and those that fulfill set criteria are eligible for Manpower Developer awards. The Group has been designated under the scheme since it began and some of its subsidiaries have also been recognized for years. Additionally, the Group and Hong Yip won a Grand Prize Award 2014-16 for actively supporting ERB courses and services. The Group believes that green space is important in a development so it incorporates landscape design in the planning stage. There is a professional landscape team dedicated to green planning, design and maintenance for customers to enjoy better living or working environments. The green initiatives are highly praised, with the latest honours coming at the 2016 Best Landscape Award for Private Property Development. The Group’s commercial and residential developments clinched eight golds, 11 merit awards and six Environmental Efficiency Awards. The Bes t L andscape Award for Private Proper t y Development is organized by the Leisure and Cultural Services Department to enhance living environments and promote greenery in private property by recognizing outstanding landscape design and hor ticultural maintenance. YOHO Mall, International Commerce Centre and New Town Plaza Phase I won gold for Non-Domestic Property. Valais, Peak One and Woodland Crest won gold for Domestic Property, while Manhattan Hill and Oscar by the Sea won gold for Large-Scale Domestic Property. The Group and Hong Yip earn ERB Manpower Developer Award Scheme top Grand Prize Awards 集團及康業獲「 ERB 人才企業嘉許計劃 – 企業大獎」最高殊榮 Commercial and residential projects earn best landscape awards 多個商業及住宅項目獲最佳園林大獎 集團深信人才是推動公司業務向前邁 進的主要動力,多年來致力提升員工 知識及技能,鼓勵持續進修,全面提 升人才質素。早前,集團及旗下物業 管理公司康業在「 ERB 人才企業嘉許 計劃」中,獲頒發「企業大獎」最高 榮譽。 「 ERB 人才企業嘉許計劃」由僱員再 培訓局舉辦,透過認證機制,檢視及 評核機構在人才培訓及發展方面的整 體策劃及執行,以評估其系統的完善 程度,表現卓越者方可獲發「人才企 業」稱號。集團自計劃推出以來,一 直獲發有關稱號,旗下多間附屬公司 亦連續多年獲此稱號。集團及康業 更憑著積極支持再培訓局的課程及服 務,獲頒發 2014-16 年度「企業大獎」 殊榮。 集團重視綠化空間,不但在物業規劃 時預留面積進行園藝設計,更特設專 業園藝團隊負責園藝綠化規劃、設計 及保養,為客戶帶來更佳的居住或工 作環境。集團的綠化工作表現卓越, 備受業界讚賞,早前多個商業及住宅 項目在「 2016 最佳園林大獎-私人物 業」中,勇奪八個金獎、 11 個優異獎 及六個環保效益獎。 「最佳園林大獎-私人物業」由康樂 及文化事務署主辦,旨在表揚傑出 的園林設計及園藝保養,藉此持續提 升私人物業的居住環境及推廣綠化工 作。形點、環球貿易廣場及新城市 廣場一期在「非住宅物業組」獲得金 獎;天巒、壹號雲頂、奕翠園在「住 宅物業組」獲得金獎;而曼克頓山及 清水灣半島則在「大型住宅物業組」 中獲得金獎。 YOHO Mall in Yuen Long was designed to incorporate nature with wide outdoor green space offering a new shopping and leisure experience 元朗形點商場將大自然融入設計,擁有偌 大的戶外綠化空間,為客戶帶來全新購物 消閒體驗 The Group and Hong Yip received Grand Prize Awards for their steadfast support for ERB courses and service 集團及康業多年來支持再培訓局的課程及 服務,獲頒「企業大獎」殊榮 News in Brief Vol 81 • Q3 2016 • SHKP Quarterly 32